International Security Officer's Day 2021

Everyday, security officers put themselves in harm’s way to protect the public from danger. International Security Officers' Day is an opportunity to recognise and thank those people who work behind the scenes to keep us safe.
July 13, 2021

Everyday, security officers put themselves in harm’s way to protect the public from danger.

Yet few people ever recognise the sacrifices they make. International Security Officers' Day, which takes place on the 24th of July every year, is an opportunity to recognise and thank those people who work behind the scenes to keep us safe.

This date was chosen specifically to represent the 24/7 nature of security work.

Nick Kaldas APM, Australian Patron of International Security Officers’ Day.

Nick Kaldas talks about International Security Officers Day

Celebrating International Security Officers' Day is simple. As an individual, you need only acknowledge any security officers you see on the day. Simply smile at that person and say thank you. It’s that simple! #thankyousecurityofficers
