International Security Officers Day

Every day, security officers put themselves in harm’s way to protect the public from danger.
July 24, 2024

Every day, security officers put themselves in harm’s way to protect the public from danger. Yet few people recognise the sacrifices they make. International Security Officers’ Day, observed on July 24th each year, provides an opportunity to acknowledge and express gratitude to those who work behind the scenes to keep us safe. This date was specifically chosen to represent the 24/7 nature of security work.

On this day, we honour all security officers who face dangerous or unpredictable situations to safeguard our communities. These often nameless and unseen professionals protect clients, assets, and staff, going beyond the call of duty. International Security Officers’ Day is now celebrated globally in countries including Australia, Canada, China, New Zealand, Hong Kong, India, the United Kingdom, and Thailand.

Let’s join together to say thank you and show appreciation for their selfless service. Use #thankyousecurityofficers on social media to support this important initiative.
